A couple of my readers (I like d sound of dat: “my readers” :D) read my prev post, A Police Story, n reminded me of another incident dat hapnd wen I was in coll…one dat changed d life of someone drastically…so eventhough these 2 readers (ahh…heaven) were lazy enuf 2 not comment on d post (yeah I aint eggjhactly d laziest person around ;)), I still wanna thank dem 4 givin me d idea 4 a post…
I, d bluntest of all edges, hereby thank M n P (in alphabetical order) 4 bringin d legend of jhumbalaka jhum (ok I shud hv shouted it out: D LEGEND OF JHUMBALAKA JHUM…dats more like it) 2 life ***drum rolls***
Cast: Me (duh! M d hero obviously), SG (aka Smart Guy), Idiot, Ro
I was in d final yr of my coll…we had moved into a house dat was literally just a stone throwaway frm d almighty institution (4 reasons dat r still alien 2 mankind coz we rarely attended coll)
D day in qsn was a typical weekday wen we had bunked coll n were just whilin away our time tryin 2 figure out who among us can surf thru all d channels of d tv d fastest (u shud try it out sometime…its productive n gives an insight into ur deeper dormant personality)
Suddenly, idiot, who was sent 2 d kitchen 2 get food, came out runnin n luked as if he had just seen a ghost
Idiot: ders a mouse in d kitchen!
SG: r u sure it’s a mouse? It cud be a rat
Ro: wats d difference?
SG: well ders gotta be something…otherwise why wud dey hv 2 names?
Me (who was busy swappin channels): YES…beat dis…I clocked 42secs!!! (lukin at idiot) whr’s d food?
Idiot: HOLY CRAP…m I livin wid a bunch of fools or wat? Ders a rat slash mouse (he meant rat/mouse) in d kitchen n it ran into d store room wen I walked in dere…its huge!!!
Me: ohhhh…so why din u get d food?
Idiot: %&#*&$@!&$# (god bless my relatives)
So all of us reluctantly went n checked out d scene of crime…d store room, which was perpetually closed, did hv a hole on its door…after our brief (very very brief) investigation, we concluded dat d next time d rat (or mouse or rodent or wateva) decides 2 visit, he’ll regret it…SG was abt 2 start a debate on whether it was a he or she…but Ro’s timely punch 2 his ribs saved us d trouble
Later in d evng, wen idiot wasn’t at home, Ro came to d hall whr we were sittin around a chess board (watchin tv of course) n said dat d rat has entered our premises again…ideally we wud hv put on our commando suits, topped it wid a bandana, painted black streaks on our faces n blown up d rat wid our bazookas…but due 2 an acute shortage of resources (namely d commando suits, bandanas, paint n bazookas), we decided on d more traditional slam-bang approach
I volunteered 2 go 2 d back door n close it so dat d rat doesn’t run off 2 d store room…n SG n Ro were supposed 2 pick up something 2 hit it wid n tiptoe in frm d front door of d kitchen…I got a log on my way dere n got in n locked d door
SG n Ro came in together…SG had d cover of a tubelight in his hand…n Ro was holdin his biotech notes rolled up! Wid d kinda weapons of mass destruction dat these dudes were carryin, it was clear who had 2 strike
D rat was under d dinin table (yup d dinin table was in d kitchen smarty)…SG climbed on top of d table wid his deadly tubelight cover n offered 2 poke d rat out (yeah I knw he’s a pervert!)…Ro climbed on d platform n made a mic out of his paper roll n started givin live commentary of wat was hapng…I was standin wid d log raised n waitin 4 d target 2 come out
SG kept on poking it…n well after a certain point even a tubelight cover can be irriatatin…d rat dashed out…Ro yelled into his “mic” at wat degree d rat had run…I n SG exchanged glances n nodded: Ro is our next target
I saw d rat n boy was it huge…so more easy 2 hit…action time baby!!! :D
I got 3 hits out of 4…not bad 4 a 1st timer…d poor creature was lyin lifeless on d floor…we ensured its dead by poking it (SG again)…n wen we were sure its dead…we 3 gathered around it n started dancing n chantin:
I mentioned in d beginning dat dis incident changed someone’s life…dat someone (in case u hvnt guessed it by now) was d rat ;) (u chose d wrong house buddy)
I, d bluntest of all edges, hereby thank M n P (in alphabetical order) 4 bringin d legend of jhumbalaka jhum (ok I shud hv shouted it out: D LEGEND OF JHUMBALAKA JHUM…dats more like it) 2 life ***drum rolls***
Cast: Me (duh! M d hero obviously), SG (aka Smart Guy), Idiot, Ro
I was in d final yr of my coll…we had moved into a house dat was literally just a stone throwaway frm d almighty institution (4 reasons dat r still alien 2 mankind coz we rarely attended coll)
D day in qsn was a typical weekday wen we had bunked coll n were just whilin away our time tryin 2 figure out who among us can surf thru all d channels of d tv d fastest (u shud try it out sometime…its productive n gives an insight into ur deeper dormant personality)
Suddenly, idiot, who was sent 2 d kitchen 2 get food, came out runnin n luked as if he had just seen a ghost
Idiot: ders a mouse in d kitchen!
SG: r u sure it’s a mouse? It cud be a rat
Ro: wats d difference?
SG: well ders gotta be something…otherwise why wud dey hv 2 names?
Me (who was busy swappin channels): YES…beat dis…I clocked 42secs!!! (lukin at idiot) whr’s d food?
Idiot: HOLY CRAP…m I livin wid a bunch of fools or wat? Ders a rat slash mouse (he meant rat/mouse) in d kitchen n it ran into d store room wen I walked in dere…its huge!!!
Me: ohhhh…so why din u get d food?
Idiot: %&#*&$@!&$# (god bless my relatives)
So all of us reluctantly went n checked out d scene of crime…d store room, which was perpetually closed, did hv a hole on its door…after our brief (very very brief) investigation, we concluded dat d next time d rat (or mouse or rodent or wateva) decides 2 visit, he’ll regret it…SG was abt 2 start a debate on whether it was a he or she…but Ro’s timely punch 2 his ribs saved us d trouble
Later in d evng, wen idiot wasn’t at home, Ro came to d hall whr we were sittin around a chess board (watchin tv of course) n said dat d rat has entered our premises again…ideally we wud hv put on our commando suits, topped it wid a bandana, painted black streaks on our faces n blown up d rat wid our bazookas…but due 2 an acute shortage of resources (namely d commando suits, bandanas, paint n bazookas), we decided on d more traditional slam-bang approach
I volunteered 2 go 2 d back door n close it so dat d rat doesn’t run off 2 d store room…n SG n Ro were supposed 2 pick up something 2 hit it wid n tiptoe in frm d front door of d kitchen…I got a log on my way dere n got in n locked d door
SG n Ro came in together…SG had d cover of a tubelight in his hand…n Ro was holdin his biotech notes rolled up! Wid d kinda weapons of mass destruction dat these dudes were carryin, it was clear who had 2 strike
D rat was under d dinin table (yup d dinin table was in d kitchen smarty)…SG climbed on top of d table wid his deadly tubelight cover n offered 2 poke d rat out (yeah I knw he’s a pervert!)…Ro climbed on d platform n made a mic out of his paper roll n started givin live commentary of wat was hapng…I was standin wid d log raised n waitin 4 d target 2 come out
SG kept on poking it…n well after a certain point even a tubelight cover can be irriatatin…d rat dashed out…Ro yelled into his “mic” at wat degree d rat had run…I n SG exchanged glances n nodded: Ro is our next target
I saw d rat n boy was it huge…so more easy 2 hit…action time baby!!! :D
I got 3 hits out of 4…not bad 4 a 1st timer…d poor creature was lyin lifeless on d floor…we ensured its dead by poking it (SG again)…n wen we were sure its dead…we 3 gathered around it n started dancing n chantin:
I mentioned in d beginning dat dis incident changed someone’s life…dat someone (in case u hvnt guessed it by now) was d rat ;) (u chose d wrong house buddy)
So dats how dis urban legend began…n 2 dis day d elderly couple in d neighborin house hv no clue how a dead rat ended up on their terrace!!!
Ab-so-fing-lutely hilarious!!!
Your 13th has been the best so far...Have tears in my eyes! (not tears of happiness outta witnessing an intellectual achievement, outta laughter ;P)...
:) :) :)...
Please don't the blog (reminds myce of Please Dont Stop the Music of Rihanna... We shall sing the song refined as above :P )...
I knew I knew.. U are PAPI
It was hilarious (i meant the way u danced).
It was good reading it but was expecting more (13 isnt tat unlucky for u ;))
Keep writing!!!
Good one Sunny boy :-)
supperb Action thriller :-)
keep it up dude.
i was laughing out so loud that my teammates caught me reading blog(well in the middle of work... ;) )
good one and keep writing.. :)
iam a lil scared to write in here but iam doin it ..takes a lot of guts :P kindda inbuilt in me. and finally u reached ur unlucky or rather lucky number now u know how much diff u r from other humans..and are u sure u killed the rat iam sure like all the stories u just exaggerated a lil bit wsnt it the same old dinoz cousin the cockroach thnk god u did nt tell us stories about the fire freak dragon which tried to sneak into ur fort of spades..n if it truly was a rat it was lucky nt to have u on the table n got to live few secs more...n about the dance wow wow wow wat can i say now,plz dont get started on tht (imagine shrek wit a diff color u know which one and dancin wit the same amount of baby fat on some mallu tribal mix.lets nt talk about the dress..freaks)....great keep writin ..wish u wld have waited till friday ..it wld sound even dangerous a bloody 13thblog on friday ..sounds more scary thn bloody valentine .....n remember the rats n snakes wrk the same way, therz a fiercy male/female rat waitin to erase u off earth for u bloody dead ..REVENGE IS ON
Well .. Well.. Now I know whom to call.. if i find rat in my house...
The "Rat hunter" is just one call away LOL ;)
Enjoyed reading this blog a lot...
Keep it up.. :-)
Hmmm... U 4got 2 mention d reaxn of (the)Idiot once hez back...
Channel surfing.. I do it almost everytime... not on competition ;)majburi se...
And Samba dance celebratin death of poor rat/mouse/whateva... height of over(re)acting...:P
Enjoyed reading ...Keep bloggin.. c ya :)
Simple but impressive!!
I enjoyed it. Keep Writing :)
@ amateur~virtuoso
just d kinda review dat gets me grinnin ear-2-ear...n no i aint gonna stop bloggin...whr else can i continue 2 remain a hero ;)
@ PracheE
le...u were d one who reminded me abt d incident P...n now i m PAPI...I OBJECT!!!
@ sangeeta
hilarious ha? now wen did creative tribal dancin turn hilarious? ;)
@ khyathi
lol...dats a neat way 2 describe it...i just wrote an action thriller...whoa...m i cool or m i cool? :D
@ Meenakshi
pass my blog id 2 ur teammates...make it popular :D:D:D
@ kaveer
scared ha? dat wasnt visible anywhr in dat super-huge write-up ;) nautanki saala...great 2 see u back bro :)
@ Ajju
at ur service sir! ;)
@ Suchitra
yeah i cud hv included his reaction too...but dat mite just be an entire story in itself...he thinks we got a dead rat frm sumwhr n put it dere ;) in fact he is d only one in d entire house who thot d original one is still alive!!! (just imagine dat! after wat all i did)
@ Sravani
thanx a ton :) impressive ha? now isnt dat my middle name? ;)
am sure a particular murine ghost haunts u......
some statements were super humorous....
"d dormant personality,god blessing ur relatives and d commando process" supercool!!!!
i would have loved to c d tribal dance too.....
lovely..write more...often.
Lol that was hilarious!
Trying to kill the rat with a tubelite cover...I can imagine wat bravehearts reside wit u!!
And Ro..he reminded me of...me!!
I am usually the commentator whenever any creepy crawlie finds his way into our house..if my bro started bloggin he cld have endless posts on the various occasions he has saved my life frm the scary beings!!
BTW ur such a meano..ur poor neighbours!!
And I agree with Prachee..u are a paapi!!
Rats off to u guys...... ooopsy Hats off to u guys ;)
@ Suhas
:) 2 u too!
@ iceprincess
ahh "murine"! d medical background does inspire u 2 use some really uncommon words na ;)
thanx 4 d compliments...wil try 2 write more often...but kya kare yaar...way too lazy :D
@ Shanu
hey u changed ur profile pic...lotsa change hapng ha!
bravehearts dey sure were...like d name suggests "brave just in their hearts" ;)
lol...so u r in d Ro category...dats like our hit-list...BEWARE!
n wanna enlighten u wid 2 rules:
1. yup i m a meano!
2. prachee is always wrong!
@ Vaman
lol...gud one dude...wonder why i din come up wid it myself ;)
lmao...i dont rmbr readin my own notes n u actually thot i'll be d one sneakin a peek into my frnd's notes...bu ha ha ha...u medicos na :D:D:D
hehehe.. urban legend.. *grinning* One of my friends had a similar incident to narrate in a similar fashion. For a moment i thought the other two guys included him... :)
But, you turn out to be a better 'rat slash mouse catcher' after all..
I a glad u blog hopped. and m glad i rebounded a blog hop..
whatever that meant. Nice blog. :) M a follower now. so ur responsibility as a writer increases...heheh again a 'whatever' moment...
Mandan sunny!
Btw i have a similar tale as well. I posted it as 'Rise of the Mutants'
Everyone wants the sequel
everybody seem to have a mice or rat incident ..to be very honest i had a few very recently too...daam aint rats a vital chapter in mans life :P
Oye..tu mujhe dhamkee toh nahi de raha..main karate main black belt champion hai..kya samjhe??
Btw..7 followers..sahi jaa raha hai bheedu!!
And ya...me changed my profile pic...socha main apne pic main thode rang bhar doon...yeh toh bas shuruvat hai..aage aage dekh hota hai kya!!
@ riddhi
whoaaaa...one more follower!!! ok now i m a certified rockstar :D:D:D (yeah n a shameless one too!)
wateva hapnd wid d rats is somethin dat everyone faces but few dare 2 talk abt (its somethin like global warming)...so ur frnd cud very well hv been one among us...after all duniya gol hi toh hai (i knw it makes no sense...m just over d moon coz my follower count has reached 7) :D:D:D
me followin u too (so u can also afford a victory lap!)
@ iceprincess
@ DPhatsez
long time buddy...rise of d mutants ha? (n i thot dis was a novel experience!) me wil be readin it within no time :)
@ kaveer
welcome 2 d club dude...as my frnd calvin famously said "RATS!!!" (dont ask me wen...m sure he has said it atleast a 100 times)
@ Shanu
lol...black belt ha? n u were d one scared of "creepy crawlies"? makes perfect sense :P
yup...7 is d magic number...m d undisputed king of blogosphere :D:D:D
oh...so u bringin color into d lives of us ordinary mortals? gud job...yup m waitin...show me ur jalwa ;)
did u finally figure out if it was a rat or a mouse ?
great post glad to hop on it
@ The Hoverer
i wish i cud...but hvnt yet been able 2 figure out d difference?!?!
welcome 2 my blog...whr creativity meets insanity ;)
creativity and insanity .... my personal favorite combination
@ The Hoveror
n ppl wonder why i m so popular...lol...just saw ur blog has a very obvious reference 2 insanity (wat wid a name like "hovering over insanity" :D)...wil hop over n read soon...addin u 2 d blogroll :)
oki iam sure u wnt get into my album to chck my response so i thought ill respond here ... dude its been some time now i just put on 5pics/edition ...n love the spam its kindda friendly want some in ur blog do u ??..n common none of them r sad ..its just ur thought mr sunil udaas
@ kaveer
wonder wat hapnd 2 constructive criticism...fine none of dem r sad n d spam is really cool
Constructive did ya say .... doesnt go well when it comes from u dude ...... even u might just think its funny to laugh for 4 alternative days ...why alternative u need to take rest in between to give ur best .wat am i talkin .daam seems like i got this swine flu from u ... u PIG
@ kaveer
wtf...dunno wats got into u...damn why did i even bother commentin...dats d end of dat 4 sure!
oh common dude ....why soo serious.... lets put a smile on tht face :P
@ kaveer
lol...its dat easy 2 break u?!?! i'll keep dis in mind ;)
its just that i hv a lil humanity in me alive ...i did nt wanna break the delicate Ora which u come up lately :P
with a comment like that on my blog,I HAD to check out what the blunt edges had to offer..and boy am I glad I did so!!! No exaggerations, I zirmply luurrved this post....
ROTFL @ god bless my relatives and Ro is my next target...
and the poking and the biotech notes and the weapons of mass destruction!!
suppa post..Now i HAVE to sit and read the rest of the posts..
and murderer...Rats/mouse/rodents are one thing, thts one mouse (/rat/rodent)i don't have to worry about! but whats the excuse of murdering english language??
same pinch at that one..i used to do exactly the same. it was before i came to know about the 45 rs,450 sms pack (thats is now 45 rs 350 or something, so everyone now resort to 70 rs 700 sms +35 A2A free calls) airtel had to offer.
i hd 2 shrtn al my msgs x unrdbl sntncs SAT(so as to) tel my clsmte 2 brng QM nts,n also bt wot d tchr tot wen i ws sleepin etc..
was really hard to snap outta that habit.infact am still working on it.
other than this tiny minuscule atomic microscopic hardly noticable kunji defect i just loved the blog. blogrolling you, following you(i havent even published your comment yet. couldnt wait to read the blog..:))
so..see you around!!!
@ damsel
grinnin away...n grinnin some more...oh how i lurveeee compliments...got a msg 4 u frm my best frnd...my ego...it goes somethin like dis: "THANX :D:D:D:D"
n lol at d A2A rates...i hv a vodafone conn (heil zoozoos :D)
n abt d cut-short lingo...blame it on d sms n msngrs...gotta make an extra effort 2 write properly n considerin how spaced out my posts r, u wud hv guessed how lazy i m ;)
glad u luved d blog...will see u arnd :)
n really nice of u 2 check out my old posts...hope u like it (tryin 2 be modest...doesnt come naturally 2 me but wats d harm in tryin!)
ps: u'll find d same kunji defect in all d posts!
pps: huge comments rock big time!!!
Nice to meet u... Mr. Good English...hilarious post!!! btb, I loved ur gospel of love... am recommendin it to a few friends.. they need the advice...
great 2 meet u too...glad i cud be of help...dats wat life is all abt...dishin out my worldly knowledge 2 d rookies ;) (modest...aint i?) :D
ROFL!!! I should bookmark this and read it once again, when the blues come calling upon me...
BTW am stealing the Jhumbalaka Jhum chant to hum when something hilariously victorious happens to me!!!
@ Beauty and the Beast
welcome 2 my blog :D
bookmark it...bookmark it!!!
read it...read it!!!
n u r welcome 2 use d chant...its kinda become an anthem in dis part of d world since june 11 (talk abt lives i touch!) :D:D:D
yes lives u touch... one of them was the late mouse/rat/rodent
@ The Hoverer
lol...i mite hv touched its life a lil too much! ;)
Hmmm... wonder if the rat slash mouse' soul blogs too... would love to get his/her/its version of the story...
You are funny mate...
And a true inspiration... 13 blog posts in 15 months... take a bow...
And how many of you did it take to pick up and move the rat slash mouse to the neighbors terrace...
@ Mind
i sure do hope d its soul doesnt blog...wat if it came up wid a story like "i was sloshed n high on dope n cudnt run around!"...wudnt do my reputation any gud rite? ;)
thanx a lot n m just happy 2 inspire ***takes a bow***
lol...u sure dont want d gory details dude ;)
Aaj tune kuch aur bhi manga hota toh woh bhi mil jata..chk my blog!
hilarious... :) loved the way you described everything... phunny phunny..
butt.. i didn't like it that u killed the rat :(
still, verryyyy cute blog.. :) keep writing.
@ Shanu
i saw...is it like some kinda "on-demand" post! :)
@ rain girl
rat infestation, my frnd, is a pretty serious sanitary issue...n we cudnt get a mouse trap coz we werent sure if its a rat or a mouse ;)
thanx 4 d sweet words...n welcome 2 my blog :D
n if it helps, i hv neva killed a rat or any related being since den...so cheers :D
ahh! thank god :P
@ rain girl
note 2 self:
wat m i? a magician or somethin? i do d most outrageous of things n manage 2 convince ppl dat its ok...i sure m gud at dis...or is it dat easy ;) :D
this was TOO_FUNNYY!!... another life u just touched ;)
@ Crimson Feet
thanx a lot...n welcome 2 my blog :D
n an extra thanx 4 followin me buddy :)
Absolutely HILARIOUS!!
@ Karthik
thanx a ton my frnd!
welcome 2 dis side of d universe ;)
paragraph 4 quote: "we rarely attended college"...
ede... nee epazhada class cut cheythitullathu... vishuvinum onathinum allathe nee ephazangilum cut cheythitundo... tring to sound cool?
now does ur mate know that u've been calling him an idiot?...jacob
@ jacob
lol...poda panni :P
na...he has no clue...u knw who he is na ;)
jhumbalaka jhoom! cheers:)
ahoy, heres a death and we all are laughing!!!! did anyone say, RIP to the mouse/rat?!!! ANYONE!
SG: well ders gotta be something…otherwise why wud dey hv 2 names?
@ manisha
welcome 2 THE blog ;) (modesty aint exactly my forte) :D
well...a act of immense bravery n courage shud be showered wid admiration n not sympathy 4 d slain ;)
glad u liked it :D
IthinkIfollowedthejistofthestoryithinktheratwaskilled. Iamoldandallthatshorthandlingowasjustwaytohardformeandwaytomuchwork. Ifeelkindoffoolishbecausefiftysevenotherswereabletoreaditjustfine.
R U FLN IR8ED YT? :)))
@ Grayquill
hahaha...dat was like d most hilarious comment ever :D:D
I'm making an effort to write properly starting from this sentence. However, considering my absolute lack of patience and the obvious fact that this requires effort (my middle name is "lazy"), I would suggest that you don't get your hopes very high!!! ;):D:D
Thanks so much for helping out an old guy. It is appreciated.
@ Grayquill
The pleasure is all mine, my friend :)
that was such a nice post but i really thing u shudnt have killed the poor thing. it was just a harmless fellow creature read son/daughter of mother nature's big big world!!!! u had no right to kill ur own brother/sister!!!! :P
may its soul rest in peace!! amen!
@ bliss
well...as i said it just chose the wrong house ;)
but still, that was mean, calvin!!!!!
4 some reason calvin still thinks it was cool ;)
great article. I would love to follow you on twitter.
@ Anon
unfortunately blunt edges isn't on twitter! :(
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